Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ahem. Perhaps I'm too stupid to own a car.

Every once in a while you run into a situation that if it hadn't happened to you it would be really funny. There is a debate in my head whether or not to actually put this out in cyber space, but in the end, I think it is laugh worthy and maybe someone else can comfort themselves with the phrase.....well, at least I've never done that.

My car troubles on the way to Indy were two-fold. One, a tire was vibrating. Two, the car didn't seem to be able to accelerate. Once I got the car to 55 or 60 it didn't have any trouble maintaining speed, just getting there. Stop lights were fun. I was keeping pace with semi's taking off from a dead stop.

The wonderful woman who owns the place I take my car (who reads my blog) very kindly responded to my last blog post, and through cyber space gave me some advice on fluids to check before heading home and set up an appointment for the day I'm back in town. My mom and dad and I set out from Branson early this AM and drove to Indy. Once there it was my dad's job to check fluid levels and give the car a test run to see if it should be driven to Warsaw. He returned a few minutes later and happily announced he solved the acceleration problem. My car mat was stuck up under the pedal.

This alone would be a good place to stop with feeling sheepish about a lot of fuss over a simple fix. But it gets worse. I've actually had the car in the shop before and was given that same diagnosis. As soon as my dad told me what he found I thought....."Oh yeah. I've heard that before." The mat was moved back and the car ran smoothly. Lesson learned. The mat now resides in my garbage can. Hopefully this is the last of the mystery of the lack of acceleration.

(Sharon, if you happen to be up late tonight and read this before the morning, I'm still bringing the car in for the vibration!)


  1. Okay, that is funny. I guess it could have been worse, it could have been stuck under the break pedal.

  2. True! The break pedal would have been worse :-)

  3. My old '77 Phoenix would get the same problem with the floor mats... except that there, the accelerator pedal would stick DOWN. And that thing had a serious motor in it. Eek!

  4. Marti! I'm sorry I laughed so hard. The thing is, I find it tremendously comforting when people make mistakes like that. It restores my hope that there are others out there like me. Now...if you would just confess that there are dust bunnies under your couch my day would be complete.

  5. Sharon, I was glad you laughed. Really. I was stressed thinking about the fact that I booked an appointment for my floor mat when you might have turned away other business because of my floor mat :-)

    And yes, definitely dust bunnies under the couch. No need to bother those bunnies.

  6. Don't feel too bad. I frequently end up cussing my poor car out because she won't let go of my key, only to remember, about 20 blood-pressure points later, that she's automatic and must be in park to let go of the key. And I've had her for 8 years. And I can't even drive a manual car.

  7. LOL! This mad me laugh also. I was describing the problem you mentioned to Josh and he guessed it before I finished your story... :-)
