Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Two weddings and a dress.

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I'll be heading to Arkansas to be in my former roommate's wedding. I thought my bridesmaiding days were long past, but this weekend will be my second round of bridesmaid duties in 2 months. In December I was in Meagan Carey's wedding. This weekend I'll be in Jenny Christner's wedding.
There is always the running joke that a bride will pick out a garrish dress for her bridesmaids with the thought that she's picking a dress that "can be worn again". This time, it happened. Meagan broke with tradition and gave a few simple guidelines for what she wanted us to wear.
Black. Floor length. Period. Shoes... Black. Each bridesmaid picked her own dress.
A dress was purchased. Worn. Retired. Or so I thought. Shortly after New Year's Jenny called with the news that she was engaged, planning a short engagement and soon wedding plans were under way. I am her only attendant and due to the fact that I had a perfectly good dress all ready to go she was fine with recycling the dress. So the dress becomes one of the few bridesmaid dresses that really does get worn again.
The shoes are absolutely the most painful shoes I've ever put on my feet. I can take about 7 steps in them before my feet scream out for relief. I kind of knew that when I bought them, but darn it.....I love them. Feeling in your feet is over rated.

1 comment:

  1. I have come to understand many things about women over the years. Tolerance for painful shoes isn't one of them.
