Wednesday, May 30, 2012

No conflict now, it isn't on the schedule.

Things at work right now are crazy. It is a statement I've said before and it translates roughly into something like, "Wow that was a busy week. Sure wouldn't want to have a couple of those in a row." Oh, how I'd love to trade the current crazy for what I've called crazy before!

 We are undergoing the biggest transition I've experienced in the 16 years I've worked there and when it is done it will be glorious. We are getting a tricked out new system that will do all the things we've hoped for from our old, out-of-date system. We're organizing warehouses and talking with companies whose product will increase our productivity. We're revamping the main warehouse so my department will all reside under one roof. When it all said and done there will be much rejoicing in the streets. We will pat each other on the back and say things like, "It already doesn't seem like it was that bad!" and "Ah, wasn't that worth it!" But in the mean time we are all sagging under the unbelievable pressure we've been under for several months.

Today started off with a bang when one of my employees said, "Do you remember I'm out of the office from 9:15 until 11:15 today?" I do. I thought through the rest of the morning. She and I are the only two that answer phones so if she's out, I'm on phones. I was double booked since I had a management meeting at 9:30. I was irritated with myself for not planning ahead and realizing I was going to disrupt several schedules, so I fired off an email to the other managers explaining the situation and asking if we could move the meeting.

The subject line on my email read "Scheduling conflict". What I meant was "I have a scheduling conflict", but if you read "scheduling" as a verb it takes on an entirely new meaning. My boss sent me back a light hearted email that said something to the effect of, "I had to laugh when I saw the subject because I thought, Marti, are you that much of a control freak that you are now trying to schedule when there is conflict?" Ha!!!!!!!!!! It was the funniest part of my day. I wrote back and said something to the effect of, "Never thought about it but if I could schedule it I would and I'd do my best to schedule it down to zero."

I chuckled the rest of the day thinking of scheduling as a verb. When the printer jammed I thought, "Nope, you can't do that, I didn't schedule any conflict for this part of the day." I thought the same thing when the printer wouldn't work, and when the customer called whose package didn't reach him due to a bad address. "Not right now, it isn't time for conflict" I scheduled conflict for between 3:00 and 3:05 and it isn't time yet.

I usually get to work before most people in the business. I think tomorrow I'll schedule conflict from 7:20-7:21, long before everyone gets there. It might be a rough minute but should make for a smooth day.

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