Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Uh. Oh. They are all crying" OR "Don't see that Hachi the dog movie"

During the "non-sick" part of our trip Jami and Mom left me with the kids while they went shopping. When queried as to whether or not I'd kid-sit I said....sure, as long as they've got something to do. They've got the Hachi movie to watch, she said. It's too sad, I said. Colby picked it, they'll be fine she said. And off they went.

I knew the basic plot, and won't provide any spoilers, but had my doubts as to whether or not the kids would find this enjoyable. I worked on a few things up stairs while the movie was going and was kind of out of things to do, so I came down to see how things were going. I figured it was getting the the part that was sad.

I hear sniffing and snuffling and see Colby wiping his eyes in one chair. Over on the couch little miss Kate is sinking deeper and deeper into the couch, covered in a blanket, hiding amongst pillows, sobbing. I couldn't let her suffer alone, so I wiggled my way into the hiding spot and curled up behind her. Two minutes later I was boo-hooing right a long with them.

The movie hadn't even begun to get to the "sad part" It progressively gets worse for the next 30 minutes or so, and we're all a big quivering mess of tears. As the movie hits its peak Jami and Mom return from shopping. I try to continue with Kate's theory of hiding in the couch. This is what I hear from my hiding spot (from Jami as she comes down the stairs and views the fun).

Hey kids. Kate? What's wrong? Why are you crying, honey? Colby? You're crying, too? Was it a sad movie? (pause. spots me.) Uh, oh....Mom... (shouts up the stairs) they are all down here crying.

Next on the list, will be Old Yeller, and Marley and Me.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny!! Your stories are very entertaining. Your a good blog writer... :-)
