Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Did you hear the one about.....

....the person who drug herself out of the house in the middle of the night to pick up a prescription at a Walgreen's only to find out the pharmacy was robbed less than three hours later? I did. It was my mom!

My dad had rotator cuff surgery last Friday. We kind of joke about how much he enjoys MMP's. (minor medical procedures) Well, maybe not that he enjoys them, but he is so darn willing to march himself to the Dr. to fix whatever is wrong. To me, the Dr. is the last possible choice after you've exhausted all other possibilities. If I were to accidentally sever my foot I'd try to fix it by tape, bandaid, tourniquet, super glue, rest, neosporin and vitamins. As a last ditch effort I'd consult a friend to see if they have any ideas or if I have to go to the Dr. Even then I'd carefully weigh the pros and cons of not going. Not my Dad. He'd go straight there.

His latest adventure isn't so minor. Rotator cuff surgery isn't a walk in the park, but he came through with flying colors. It also means mom gets to be his nurse once he gets home. The patient-nurse routine is a well rehearsed act. I'm not sure who wins. It usually ends in a draw. Last time dad had the flu he called my mom, who was downstairs, on her cell phone to request some sherbet. He thought it was a clever way to get some sustenance. She didn't.

On night 2-post op dad's pain meds weren't working so well, so mom called the Dr. to get a new scrip. It was called in to Walgreen's, and mom went at 3:00 AM to get it filled. The Dr. never called it in and mom went home empty handed. It wasn't until later that she heard on the news that the pharmacy was robbed a couple hours later. You just never know how close you are to a "situation". You read about those people who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Patient and nurse seem to be doing fine now.


  1. I've had moments like that. I was shopping in downtown Seville one afternoon, and on the evening news, they were crowing about how they'd caught an ETA car (ETA is a Basque separatist-terrorist org in Spain) filled with 1200 kilos of explosives, which was destined for the police station... right across the street from where I'd been.

  2. Yikes! That is so close! I know that it is all in God's hands and nothing happens that isn't supposed to, but it is still unsettling to know you were that close to such sinister plans!
